We were honored to host the annual VAYD convention in Charlottesville this past weekend. This year's convention was the largest in recent memory, with nearly 300 attendees. It was a privilege to be joined at various points in the weekend by Senator Kaine, Attorney General Herring, and Minority Leaders Saslaw and Toscano.
We'd also like to congratulate some of our members who were elected to positions within VAYD this weekend. These include: Chris Hopkins, VAYD membership Director Brett Curtis, College Caucus Chair Avery Gagne, Faith Caucus Vice Chair Joseph Dennie, Southside Regional Caucus Chair Matt Frank, Southside Regional Caucus Vice Chair We'd like to thank everyone in the Virginia Young Democrats organization for their help, and for allowing us the opportunity to host. We look forward to turning the energy displayed this weekend into electoral success in November.
October 2023